Apr 15, 20183 min

Lessons From Nehemiah Part 3

Today I continue with my Lessons From Nehemiah series. For the month of April, I have been reading and studying the book of Nehemiah. To help me study it more effectively, I created the Nehemiah: Lessons And Prayers Workbook. The Workbook can be downloaded for free at https://www.shewritesit.com/she-gives.

This week I am sharing a revelation I learned from Nehemiah chapter 8. Before I get into the revelation, I want to say that I have enjoyed every bit of this series. From reading and studying the chapters to writing the weekly “Lessons From Nehemiah” blog posts. I have learned so much and I hope you have too. Please share with me what you have learned at amberwritesit@gmail.com. Okay, let’s get into this week's lesson!

Lesson 1: In All Thy Getting: Get Understanding

The lesson I learned from Nehemiah chapter 8 is get understanding on what you hear or read from the bible. Have you ever read the bible and didn't understand what you read? In fact, let's take it a step even further. Have you ever read a scripture or passage in the bible and it left you confused? I can answer yes to both of those questions! I have read the Word of God several times and didn't have a clue of what I read meant. Which really defeated the purpose of me reading it. God wants us to understand His Word and apply it to our lives.

After listening to Ezra, the head priest, read the Word of God aloud to them for several hours, Jews rejoiced after he finished. Well first they mourned, then they rejoiced, but the point I am trying to make is they rejoiced "because they understood what had been read to them" (Nehemiah 8:12). Do you understand the Word of God when you read it? The only way you can truly be a doer of the word of God and not a hear is if understand what you heard.

God doesn't want us to read His Word just to say we read it. He want us to read it, study it, mediate on it, and apply it to our everyday lives. The only way we can do this is through the help and power of the Holy Spirit. If you struggle with understanding the bible when you read it or hear it, ask the Holy Spirit to help you. The Holy Spirit is our Helper and one of His jobs is to teach us all things and remind us of everything Jesus wants us to know (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit will reveal hidden revelations and truths to you when you read or hear the Word of God if you ask Him to. And I strongly encourage you to ask Him!

The Jews rejoiced when they heard of the Word of God because they got understanding. It's time you get understanding. Understanding of the Word of God brings forth wisdom from God and we all need godly wisdom. King Solomon tells us "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7). When you read the bible get understanding then apply it to your life! In all thy getting, get understanding!

Alright loves, I hope this week's lesson has blessed you! If you are a subscriber, check your email on Wednesday morning for a new #SpiritualNugget message. If you haven't subscribed, subscribe NOW! Join my mailing list and be the first to get my weekly updates and freebies! And don't forget to share this blog post on you all social media platforms!
