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#ThroneRoomThursday: Lord Examine My Heart

Welcome to the #ThroneRoom! Every Thursday I encourage you to come into this room for Holy Spirit inspired prayers and decrees and to learn how to properly and effectively petition our Heavenly Father in prayer for yourself and intercede on the behalf of others.

As men and of women of God, we have to get back to following God's command to pray and pray without ceasing. God has mandated me to encourage, equip, and empower you in your daily walk with Christ and help you reactivate your prayer life. If you call yourself a Christian and have a non-existent prayer life that you need to reevaluate if you really are a Christian. The heart of Christianity is to become more like Christ and if you truly know Christ, you know He had and still has a very active prayer life!

The first four Gospels of the New Testament mentions numerous times that He would often slip away to the wilderness and pray (Luke 5:16).How often do you pray? Do you have a set prayer time and location? While we should be praying at all times and any and everywhere, Jesus had a set time of the day (when He was on earth) He would pray and spend time with His father. The designated time was between 3-6 AM and the location was in wilderness or near a mountain. If you are a prayer warrior or intercession then you that timeframe is the four watch of the day.

#SheGivesAssigments (Expect a homework assignment every week! I mean what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't make you study!)

Research the 8 Prayer Watches and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your prayer watch time. Also, choose a prayer location. In the place, daily on spend15 minutes or more of uninterrupted time of praying and spending in time in God's presence. The Holy Spirit will lead as you pray, but make sure you invite Him in the room with! He is gentleman! Therefore, He only comes when He is invited! Let Him know that He is welcomed and He will take over from there!

Today in prayer ask God to search your heart. The bible teaches us that our hearts are "hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out" (Jeremiah 17:9). While our spirit man is willing to submit to and obey God, our hearts, which is connected to our flesh and soulish realm, are not. Our hearts will betray us and lead us into sin if we leave it unguarded and unchecked. That is why it is essential that we continuously ask God to search our hearts for impure motives and attitudes. Jesus tells us that out of a man's heart comes evil thoughts of lust, theft, murder, adultery ,covertness , wickedness, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, pride, and all kinds of other sins (Mark 7:21-22).

Now do you understand why should guard hearts! Remember as a man thinks it in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7)? So my question to you today is what's in your heart? Only the pure in heart will see God ( Matthew 5:8). If God was search your heart today what would He find? Would it be pure or defiled? As you approach God's Throne today in prayer, ask Him to reveal to you your heart.

Here is a model prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being such a loving and merciful Father. I honor, praise, and glorify Your name. You are great and greatly to be praised!

Before I make my petition and request known to You, I confess of all the sins I committed against You today ( verbally confess the sins ). Lord, I repent of these sins and ask that You forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Wash me in the Blood of Jesus.

Now God, I ask You today to look deep within my heart and examine all my motives and thoughts (Psalm 7:9). Search my heart Lord and examine my mind, dig deep into its root, and reveal to me what You see (Jeremiah 17: 10).

Make known to me my rebellion and my sins (Job 13:23). Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. (Psalms 139:24). As you search my heart and mind, reward to me according to what my actions deserve (Jeremiah 17:10).

If there be in wickedness in it, convict me into godly sorrowfulness so I can repent and get back into right standing with You. Lord I ask that You forgive me and create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within in me (Psalm 51:10). Purify it in the Blood of Jesus.

Give me an obedient heart, a heart that desires to get to know You (Jeremiah 24:17). As I seek You with my whole heart, Lord reveal Yourself to me in mighty and powerful ways.

Thank You Lord for giving a new heart. A heart that prays without ceasing. A heart that seeks praises, worships, and seeks Your face You continuously. A heart that delights to you do Your will and study and observe your commands. In my heart will I keep them, so that I may not sin against You.

Lord , I love You! From this day forward I decree and declare I am a man/woman after Your own heart.

In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

I hope this prayer blessed you! As you leave this room and get in your own personal #ThroneRoom, remember to do this week's homework assignment! And if you are not a part of my mailing list, join today! Subscribe and become a part of the family! Know that you will always be welcomed, loved, and prayed for!


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