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When They See Us: Prophetic Prayer

For the past three weeks, my soul has been in deep anguish. After watching the Netflix series, “When They see Us, a true story about five black and Latino boys who were false convicted of raping a woman in Central Park, I have been on personal and spiritual quest on how I can make sure stories like theirs don’t happen in my community and city. While I understand racial injustice still prevails and will continue to prevail until the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I as an intercessor can intercede on behalf of those racially targeted by the police and corrupt criminal justice system and ask God, the Righteous Judge, for divine justice in their cases.

Understand, true justice doesn’t come from an early court, but from the Courts of Heaven. As heart breaking as the Central Park Five case was and still is, nothing about it surprises me. Racial injustice and racism against minorities in this country has been going on in this country since it was formed and unfortunately will continue. Racism is a bigger than white people feeling like their superior to other races. Racism is a demonic spirit that is rooted in the spirits of division and discord. Many people think it’s rooted in pride, but pride is just a small factor. The spirit of racism is an effective tool of the enemy and it used to call division in God’s kingdom.The irony with most racists is they claim they are Christians or believers in God. Yet the Word clearly tells us, “If anyone says, “I love God and hates (detests), abominates) his own brother (in Christ), he is a liar; for he who does not love is brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he not seen” ( 1 John 4:20).

God does not see color or race when He sees us. In His eyes, if we accept and confess His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Lord and Savior, we become adopted in His family and become His children. So, understand racism, is used to caused division among God’s Kingdom and God hates it. I know it’s hard to believe after watching the series “When They See Us” and turning on the news every day to see another black man or woman shot down or killed by the police this could be true, but God truly hates what’s going in our country. Just as bad as we want justice and cry out for it, God wants to grant it to us, but He can’t.

Like many of you, after being enraged of the atrocity of the Central Park Five case and how the five victims, Anton, Kevin, Raymond, Yusef, and Korey were treated, I was ready to take action. Like Isaiah, I was telling the Lord, “Here I am, send me.” I prayed and asked God how He could use me to be an instrument and vessel for His Kingdom to bring about change in the earth’s wicked and corrupt criminal justice system. God’s answer was simple to my surprise. He told me before He could move on our behalf and bring about His righteous justice and judgment upon the wicked, judges, lawyers, police, and government officials upon the earth, He needs His people to repent on behalf of the sin in the land.

God wants to grant us justice, but the accuser of the brethren, Satan, has legal rights to allow racial violence and injustice to continue to operate because of our unconfessed sins, transgressions and iniquities. Satan’s plan to steal, kill, and destroy can only work against us if he has a legal right and unrepented sin gives him the legal right. So, the first step to acquire justice from God and bind the spirit of racism and racial inequality is to pray a prayer of repentance.

God’s makes a promise to us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I forgive their sin and heal their land.” Repentance is the key that unlocks the door to God’s righteous justice. Are you ready for justice of God to roll down like a river? Let’s enter the Throne Room of heaven and intercede!

Prophetic Prayer of Repentance

O Lord, you are a great an awesome God who keeps Your covenant of love to all who love and obey Your commands (Daniel 9:4). For you are good and your mercy endures for every. Today Lord, I am interceding to you on behalf of my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation for racial equality and justice. I plead to you on the righteousness of Christ Jesus, who is the Mediator of the New Covenant. 

Lord You asked in your Word, "Is there no intercessor? No one to intercede on behalf of truth and right" (Isaiah 59:16)?  Lord, I intercede and repent on behalf of Your people. Please listen and be merciful and forgive us for the sake of Your name. 

I confess we have sinned and rebelled against You. We have been wicked in Your sight and not obeyed Your Word. We have not listened to the prophets and apostles you have sent to warn us to repent and change our ways. Therefore, we have given the enemy legal right to bring out injustice and murder in our land.

Lord, I repent on behalf of the my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation and ask for forgiveness of our sins of pride,rebellion, stubbornness, disobedience, self-will, selfishness,  witchcraft, sorecy, divination, lust, sexual perversion adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, uncleanness, sexual immortality, idol worship, blood sacrifices and participating in  secret societies and occults.

Lord, I ask that that ungodly covenants, oaths, and pledges I have made and those made within in my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation  have made to allow the enemy legal right to cause racial violence and injustice to prevail, be broken and disannulled in Jesus name. 

I renounce and break all ungodly oaths made by me and  those within my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation to idols, demons, false religions, and ungodly organizations in Jesus name. 

I ask that all ungodly covenants made with false god and demons through the occult and witchcraft that was made by spiritual, political leaders, and those in governmental authority in my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation be broken and disannulled in Jesus name. I disannul all blood covenants made trough sacrifice by those in my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation in Jesus name. 

By my authority in Jesus Christ, I command all demons that claim any legal right to afflict racial violence and injustice in my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation through convents to come in Jesus name. 

I declare that my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation is in covenant with You Lord through the body and blood of Jesus Christ. I confess we are joined to You Lord and  in one Spirit with Christ. 

I ask Lord that your Blood speaks in behalf of my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation in the Courts of Heaven.  I come into agreement with Your Blood that brings healing, salvation, forgiveness, and protection. Thank You Jesus for Your blood. 

Now God, hear the prayer and petitions of your servant. Lord, for Your purpose's sake, give ear and open Your eyes to the destruction, violence, murder, and racial injustice in this nation of America that bears Your name. Lord, move on behalf of my neighborhood, community, city, state and nation and bring forth godly justice in the crimninal justice and American court system so that your purpose and will on earth as it is in heaven may fulfilled and Your name be glorified. 

Thank You Lord for hearing and answering this prayer. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne (Psalm 84:19).  In Jesus name, I pray. Amen  

Did post and prayer bless you? If it did, please share this post with others on your social media platforms! Also,check back next week for part two.  Looking to develop a more intimate relationship with God, order my Christian Devotional, "Early Do I Seek Thee" by clicking the picture below!Not a part of my mailing list, join today!


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