The number one prayer request I receive on a weekly basis is for physical healing. A lot of us in the body of Christ are suffering in our bodies with various sicknesses, chronic illnesses, diseases, and tormenting pains. And my beloveds, that's simply not God's will for our lives. God is NOT the author of sickness and disease. In fact, Â Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us (Galatians 3: 13), and the curse of the law includes every manner sickness and every disease.
Healing is a part of our inheritance in Christ. Jesus paid for our healing with His Blood and the 39 stripes He received on His back. So, if you need healing, it's your to claim. But wait, you say. I get this all the time, "Amber, I have been praying, fasting, declaring in faith, and I am still sick." If this is your exact sentiments, I have some encouragement for you!

Twice this year, I have had a cyst rupture in my ovaries. Talking about pain! Baby, when that pain hit me I thought I was dying. The first time it happened, it was in January and it took me out for a week. Coupled with the ruptures, I experience intense menstrual cramps every month during my cycle. And naturally they intensified after each rupture.
After the pain subsided from my first rapture in January, I went on a 10 day Daniel fast in February and confessed my healing everyday, and watched every healing sermon that Kenneth Hagin preached on YouTube. A few days after my fast, my cycle came and I experienced NO PAIN during my cycle. When I say no pain, NO PAIN. To God be the Glory!!!! For sure, I knew I was completely healed. But when March came my menstrual camps came back and with a vengeance.

I was like "Wait, wait, wait Lord, what happened! Like a loving Father, He answered me and said I changed my confession. When my co-workers asked me how I was doing, because they witnessed me in my distress of pain, I would confess my what doctor said instead of my healing. I would go in detail about my diagnose and the various treatments my doctor suggested to me. God said by doing this, I literally reclaimed my sickness and gave the enemy legal right to afflict my body again. And He wasted no time and doing it!
Ugggh, I gave the devil a foothold by the words of my mouth. You can confess you are healed all day long. Pray from sun up to sun down, but if you don't believe with your whole heart, in total faith, you will never receive and experience God's divine and supernatural healing. Though I confessed I was healed during those 10 days of fasting, when my co-workers asked about my condition, my truth came out-my lack of faith.

There are two things that stop us from receiving our divine healing from God, unconfessed and unrepented sin and a lack of faith. If you are sick, ask the Holy Spirit to show you which area is holding you back. It could be both. If it's a lack of faith, I have some healing prayers, songs, sermons, and decrees that will stir up your faith. I feel like the more I stir up my faith and keep my confession of healing consistent, the more my pain decreases.
One of my scriptures I like to confess over myself when the pain hits me is, Romans 4:19, "And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb." I make it a decree and I say to myself, "Not being weak in my faith, I consider not the pain in body, but I consider God's Word that I am healed by Jesus' stripes and I redeemed from the curse of sickness."
In addition to that confession, I listen to the prayers, sermons, and songs below. And of course, I recite the decrees in my, "Declare Myself Healed E-book"!
So check them all out below!

Healing Prayers
Healing Worship Songs
Healing Sermons
Healing Decrees
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