Let me start off my saying that the enemy fought me hard to get this Word out to you. So I know that it is going to be a blessing to many of you! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! I literally wrote this entire blog post and somehow everything I wrote got deleted. But that is okay because I will write it again! Sorry, devil, you can't steal this Word! Alright, let's get into this week's devotional!
For the month of April, I have been reading and studying the book of Nehemiah. To help me study it more effectively, I created the Nehemiah: Lessons And Prayers Workbook. The Workbook can be downloaded for free at https://www.shewritesit.com/she-gives. While studying the book of Nehemiah, God has given me many revelations and today I want to share some of them with you! All of today's revelations, or lessons as I like to come them, will come from Nehemiah chapter 4. Okay, let's get into the lessons!

Lesson 1: When Making Progress, Expect Opposition
Some of you are in the process of rebuilding broken areas in your life. Whether your broken area is a marriage, ministry, business, project or even a friendship, expect when rebuilding it to receive some opposition from the enemy. When Nehemiah and the Jews' enemies heard they were making progress on rebuilding the broken wall in Jerusalem they were furious. I mean they were pissed! In true enemy fashion, they ridiculed and talked bad to them. In spite of their insults and threats, Nehemiah and the Jews never responded to them! Instead, they let their work do the talking for them. Nehemiah 4:6 says, "So we went on rebuilding the wall, and soon it was half its full height, because the people were eager to work." The Jews ignored their enemies and kept on rebuilding! They made progress because they kept on working.
When making progress in any area of your life, expect to face opposition. If you think your enemies and haters are just going to let you rebuild the broken areas in your in peace, you are crazy! Your enemies are going to do everything in their power to stop your progress! Regardless of what your enemies do, do not stop rebuilding your wall. When Nehemiah heard what their enemies were saying about them, he prayed to God and ask God to judge them. He didn't stop and address them. He didn't get angry or frustrated. He kept on rebuilding. As a leader and man of God, he expected the opposition. Learn from Nehemiah. Don't be surprised when the enemy starts using your haters to attack you. If you are making a progress, you will face opposition. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you are making positive advancements in any area of your life, expect the devil to attack, distract, or confuse you. In other words, he coming for you! So be ready!

Lesson 2: God Will Reveal Your Enemies' Plans Against You
Apostle Paul tell us in 2 Corinthians 2:11, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." When in living and walking in righteousness and obedience according the God's Word, expect to always have the upper hand over your enemies. When the Jews' enemies heard of their progress they devised a plot to attack them. But God intercepted the plan and exposed it! "Our enemies heard that we had found out what they were plotting, and they realized that God had defeated their plans" (Nehemiah 4:15)!
God will not let you be ignorant of your enemies' schemes against you! The Jews' enemies thought there about to sneak attack them and stir up some trouble! But God said, NOT TODAY! He exposed them and He gave them a strategy on how protect themselves from future attacks. When Nehemiah heard of their enemies plots, he made all the Jews put on coats of armor and arm themselves with spears, shields, and bows! Immediately after reading that passage in the chapter, I thought of this scripture in Ephesians 6:11 , "Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil."
While Nehemiah made the Jews put on physical armor, we have spiritual armor we can put on and should put on! If you don't know what that armor is read Ephesians 6:13-17. Every day before we leave our house we should put on our spiritual armory. The devil and our enemies should never catch us off guard because as Christians we are instructed to, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation" (Matthew 26:41). Jesus in basically telling us in that scripture don't get caught slipping, stay ready so you ain't got to get ready! Though the Jews' enemies plans got exposed, but don't think they didn't try to plot against them again. The enemy is a sore loser and when he knows he is losing he gets desperate and fights dirty. So don't be surprised! Remember, more progress means more problems. But if you put on the full armor of God, you can withstand all of the enemy's attacks against you.

Alright loves, that's all the lessons I have for you today! If you are a subscriber, check your email on Wednesday morning for a bonus lesson. If you haven't subscribed, subscribe NOW! Join my mailing list and be the first to get my weekly updates and freebies! And don't forget to share this blog post on you all social media platforms! I hope it blessed you!