Over the weekend, during my personal devotional time with God, the Lord pressed it upon my heart to read Luke 5. As I read the chapter, the Lord gave me prophetic Word to release to you and that Word is LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP.
In the Luke 5, Jesus stepped inside an empty fisher’s man both and told the fisherman to launch into the deep. If you are unfamiliar with story, the fisherman Jesus gave those instructions to was His soon to be disciple Peter. Peter and a group of fisherman had been fishing all night long, but didn't catch anything. That’s right, they didn’t catch a single fish! Yet, Jesus steps in Peter’s boat and tells Him to try it again! But this time He wants him to launch his boat out into the deep.
God said I know you feel like you are an empty season. But God said, don’t give up because Jesus is about to step into your boat! Many of you are on the verge on giving up because you haven’t seen any results. Like the fishermen in the boats, you have been working all night (days, weeks, months, even years) and you haven’t caught or produced a thing. It’s like at this point, why bother? Well, bother! Care! Try it one more time, because this time Jesus is about to step in and when He steps in you are going to produce and catch more than what you expected.

God wanted me to tell you the reason why you haven’t been catching or producing anything is because you have fishing in shallow waters. Yes, I know you are doing everything you know how to do, but still your best efforts are not catching you any fish! That’s why you need Jesus to step in and give you a new strategy.
When Jesus told Peter to launch into the deep, essentially what He was telling Him to do was try a new strategy. The strategy Peter was using to catch fish, though once effective, was out dated. Peter and the other fisherman toiled all night long but didn’t catch anything! How many of you have the same testimony! You can keep toiling with those old strategies or you can ask God for a new one. Understand, the new strategy God is going to give you will require you to launch out into the deep and leave your comfort zone.

Peter, though tired and agitated, obeyed Jesus’ instruction and launched His boat out into the deep waters. I know you want to give up. I know you don't want to try again, but you are going to have to develop a "nevertheless, at thy Word" spirit (Luke 5:5). Peter didn't feel like trying again. He those other fishermen were tired and ready to call it night. In fact, when Jesus arrived they were washing their nets which meant they had given up all hope.
God said I know you feel like their is no hope left. But when Jesus steps into your situation, He is going to revive your faith and give you a new strategy! So get ready to tell Him, "Nevertheless, at they Word" The reward of your obedience will yield you unbelievable results! After Peter followed Jesus' instructions, He caught so many fish that his net began to tear (Luke 5:6)! Get ready for an overflow that you won't have room enough to receive! Peter had to call the fishermen in the other boats to help him pick up the net! Get ready to share your overflow with others!
I pray that you receive this prophetic Word in faith! I decree and declare Jesus is about to step in your empty situation and give you a strategy that will launch you out into the deep. In the words of Bishop T.D. Jakes, "GET READY, GET READY, GET READY! Launch out into the deep!
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